Sweeney Post 2 Officers 2022 – 2023


Scott Johnston

Greg Gaetano

Sr. Vice Commander:

Greg Gaetano
Ken Gray

Jr. Vice Commander:

Ken Gray


William Roy DC

Finance Officer:

David Quinn

Service Officer:

Daniel Thibodeau


William Morin


Wayne Mitchell

Judge Advocate:

Thomas Ellwood

Sgt. At Arms:

James Grosenbeck

Executive Board:

Sean Callahan

Tony Violanti

Executive Board:

Tony Violanti

Executive Board:

Dan Beliveau

Executive Board:

Mike Lopez

Sean Callahan
Paul Tower
David Quinn

All officers of Henry J. Sweeney Post are elected for a one year term and may be reelected each year, with the exception of the Commander, who can only serve two terms. If you are interested in running for office, please contact either the Commander or the Adjutant for details.

Potential office holder names are placed in nomination in February, with elections held in March. The term of office runs from May to April.

View Past Commanders: